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New Horizon Europe opportunities!

More than 300 new Horizon Europe grants will open in the coming days!

Launch of the PULSAR project

We are proud to be the management and dissemination partner within this project that will contribute to the exploration of deep space, where the sun cannot deliver sufficient power to spacecrafts, by overcoming obstacles to the development of Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS).

The MIMOSA project has started!

We are excited to support this Euratom/Horizon Europe project that will contribute to the closure of the nuclear fuel cycle with management and dissemination activities! Read the project launch press release on the project's LinkedIn page.

Success in the first Clean Aviation call for proposals!

ARTTIC is proud to have supported six of the 20 proposals selected in this first call for proposals of the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. To read the full story, refer to the CAJU press release.

UHMob Conference: Organic Semiconductors: From Principles to Applications

Our European Commission-funded UHMob project aims at designing, synthesizing, and assessing the performance of a novel generation of organic semiconductors, creating a favourable environment for industrial innovations.

Create a funding strategy with impact with the Horizon Europe magazine

The PNO Group, of which ARTTIC is a part of, has created an online magazine about the Horizon Europe programme. The magazine offers a detailed overview of all programme components, as well as practical looks at topics as gender equality, impact and how to successfully apply. With this tool you will create a funding strategy with impact!

In the spotlight: UHMob

ARTTIC is proud to support the UHMob project, which is developing a new generation of semiconductors while training tomorrow’s scientific leaders, with management and dissemination activities. 

France 2030

On 12 October 2021, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, presented a new investment plan, France 2030, at the Elysée Palace. The goal of this ambitious, 30-billion-euro plan is to foster the emergence of tomorrow’s technological champions and to accompany the digital and environmental transition in sectors in which the country excels, most notably the automotive, aeronautics and space industries.

ILEAnet Final Public Workshop

H2020 ILEAnet Project is organising its final workshop entitled “ILEAnet and the EU security Research and Innovation landscape: Achievements and way forward”. This online event will take place on 6 and 7 April 2022.

E-paper: Gender Principles in Horizon Europe

Projects financed under #HorizonEU are expected to thoroughly consider the sex and gender dimension of the research when devising a scientific approach and interpreting results. What is more, gender equality within the project implementation teams will be carefully scrutinised.

Horizon Europe: EU Missions grants

New Horizon Europe grants addressing EU Missions were published late December!

E-paper: Knowing your destination on Horizon Europe's Cluster 6

In the "impact" section of your Horizon Europe proposal, you are expected to explain how your project is targeting the appropriate destination linked to the specific topic.

Horizon Europe: Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment

Over 79 grants are currently open for submission under Cluster 6, which aims at reducing environmental degradation; halting and reversing the decline of biodiversity on land, inland waters and sea; and better managing natural resources through transformative changes of the economy and society in both urban and rural areas.

Horizon Europe: Climate, energy and mobility

Over 40 grants are currently accepting submissions under Cluster 5 and more publications are planned between October and December. Click here to see the list of open and scheduled grants. 

E-paper: communication, dissemination and exploitation

Planning and implementing effective communication, dissemination and exploitation activities are key to ensure that valuable insight and innovative results generated by your project are deployed to their full potential. In collaboration with our sister company, PNO France, we have drafted an e-paper to provide a comprehensive overview of these three aspects.


Upcoming Innovation Fund Calls

The expected dates for the opening of the next Innovation Fund calls have been announced!

The 2021 LIFE call is open!

The 2021 LIFE grants are now open for submission, totaling 580M EUR for climate action and environmental projects. 

First Horizon Europe grants published

Over 300 Horizon Europe grants are now open for submission!

11 new European Partnerships have been launched!

The European Commission and industry will jointly invest €22 billion in research and innovation to meet EU Green Deal objectives and boost digital and industrial leadership during the 2021-2027 period.

ILEAnet virtual Public Workshop on Standardisation in Security Research

The H2020 ILEAnet (Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies Networking) EU project to which I am now involved in, is holding on 9, 10 and 11 June 2021 a virtual Public Workshop on Standardisation in Security Research.

ARTTIC & PNO participate in the Future Intelligence 2021

ARTTIC and its sister company PNO Consultants France will jointly participate to the conference “Future Intelligence 2021”. The event will be online and will take place from June 1st to June 3rd, 2021.

New European H2020 EURATOM research project: INNO4GRAPH

New European H2020 EURATOM research project:
INNOvative tools FOR dismantling of GRAPHite moderated nuclear reactors

What are the most optimal ways to dismantle graphite reactors? What remote tools can help operators to safely remove radioactive graphite? What solutions will be the most cost-efficient for dismantling operations in reactors of such complexity and dimension? These are questions that the recently launched Inno4Graph project is trying to answer through the development of physical and digital tools and methods to support the decommissioning of European graphite reactors.


After laborious negotiations and a little like a Christmas miracle, a Trade and Cooperation Agreement was concluded between the European Union and the United Kingdom, on 24 December 2020. Brexit has finally come to an end and is awaiting its validation by the European Parliament in January 2021.

The consequences of the Horizon Europe budget reduction

The COVID-19 health crisis hit Europe suddenly and severely. A Europe which, in order to rebuild itself, voted an economic recovery plan of 750 billion euros, resulting in the cutting of several European programmes including Horizon Europe.

Nathalie Authelet-de Fleury, PNO Consultants France

EU Green Deal - Focus on Farm-to-Fork

The European Commission has launched a call for projects supporting the Farm-to-Fork Strategy – one of the eight thematic areas of the EU Green Deal. The aim of the Green Deal is to transform Europe's economy for a sustainable future, making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The ambition of the Green Deal call is in line with the scale of the challenge: nearly €1 billion are on the table to finance research and innovation that will drive the necessary environmental, social and economic transformations.

Nathalie Authelet-de Fleury, PNO Consultants France

PNO supports successful application for CO2 Export Terminal

PNO supports a successful application to carry our studies for a CO2 Export Terminal at the Port of Antwerp

SAVE THE DATE: VICTORIA International Virtual Conference

The EU-funded security project VICTORIA organises its International Virtual Conference from 16 to 18 November 2020. The aim of the research project, which started in May 2017, is to enhance the investigations of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) following crimes and terrorist acts through improved video analytic tools. To this end, the VICTORIA partners have developed an open, ethical, and legally compliant Video Analysis Platform (VAP) prototype which shall accelerate video analysis tasks while providing reliable results.

ARTTIC Innovation GmbH ready to service German market

Today, the European innovation and funding consultancy ARTTIC SAS has launched ARTTIC Innovation GmbH in Germany. Carrying the comprehensive expertise of ARTTIC SAS and the PNO Group – of which ARTTIC is a subsidiary – ARTTIC Innovation GmbH is well equipped to serve the German market with innovation-related grants and consulting services.

Zusammenarbeit mit Ebner Stolz für Forschungsfördermittelberatung


Ebner Stolz bietet mit ARTTIC Innovation GmbH ganzheitliche Forschungsfördermittelberatung an

  • Steuerliche Forschungsförderung erfordert Beratungskompetenz auch im Beihilferecht
  • Kooperation der Expertenteams von Ebner Stolz und ARTTIC Innovation GmbH
  • Umfassende Beratung für maximale Beihilfe-Förderung
EWGIC Position Paper: Call for an EIC Airdrop

While Covid-19 is unfolding the most serious healthcare crisis of the last 100 years in front of our eyes, all components of our economic infrastructure are at risk. The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants (EWGIC), which the PNO group is a member of, has therefore formulated a position paper to support the most fragile of these components: the SMEs. It calls on the European Commission to protect them, via the Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator programme.

VICTORIA Final International Conference - 27-28 April 2020

VICTORIA Final International Conference:
Improving Video Analysis for a Safer Europe

27-28 April 2020

The European funded Security Project VICTORIA in association with the City of Nice in France is organising its Final International Conference on 27 and 28 April 2020.

New German tax credit scheme facilitates research and development

Germany based companies and organizations can claim R&D project costs of up to 500.000 Euro per year for their research and development activities.

ARTTIC chosen by HERoS project on Covid-19 outbreak

ARTTIC was chosen to be the management partner of the HERoS project to improve efficiency of response to the C outbreak.

CANDY project has kicked-off

CANDY – Research project investigating the underlying mechanisms of co-morbidities in neurodevelopmental diseases and epilepsy has kicked-off

The European funded research project CANDY investigates the biological links between these neurodevelopmental disorders and co-occurring somatic illnesses and how treatment and monitoring of affected patients can be improved. The project has started on 1st of January 2020 and is coordinated by Radboud University (Medical Centre) in Nijmegen, Netherlands.

SAVE THE DATE: VICTORIA International Conference


Please click here to access the announcement for the new dates.

New research project to cure hepatitis B patients under H2020

Hope for Hepatitis B patients

New research project to cure hepatitis B patients under the European Horizon 2020 programme

On 1st January, 2020 a new research project in hepatitis B has started under the European Horizon 2020 programme. The main objective of the TherVacB project is to develop a therapeutic vaccine to cure hepatitis B patients

International Symposium “Precision Medicine in Autoimmune Disease”

EU funded project RELENT organises the International Symposium “Precision Medicine in Autoimmune Disease”.

RELENT (RELapses prevENTion in chronic autoimmune disease: common mechanisms and co-morbidities) will host a symposium in Vienna on March 6, 2020 to share the results of its research. The Horizon 2020 funded project was designed to develop individualised treatment for chronic autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and vasculitis, that cause considerable mortality and morbidity, both from uncontrolled disease and treatment-associated co-morbidities like infection and malignancy.


Open Call for Video/Audio Analysis Developers!

The H2020 VICTORIA Security Project is organising its Video Analytics challenge from 02/12/2019 till 28/02/2020 (New Date!)

H2020 VICTORIA Project Video Analytics challenge

The H2020 VICTORIA Security Project is organising its Video Analytics challenge from 02/12/2019 till 28/02/2020.

H2020 project C-BORD awarded the "Etoile de l'Europe" prize

Congratulations to Coordinator of & the C-BORD project team who have been awarded the "Etoile de l'Europe" prize by the yesterday!

EPICEA project featured on the CORDIS Results Packs

The EPICEA project, coordinated by ONERA and with ARTTIC as partner, has been featured in the new edition of CORDIS's Results Pack on aviation safety.

CURSOR project press release

A new European research initiative will develop innovative ways of detecting victims trapped under debris

First SHUTTLE Public Workshop - 30th October 2019

The SHUTTLE consortium will organise its First Public Workshop on the 30th of October 2019. This workshop will be co-organised with the large joint event entitled Mediterranean Security Event (MSE) 2019 scheduled on the 29th, 30th and 31st of October 2019 in Heraklion, Crete.

SHUTTLE call for tenders now open

ARTTIC European leader in consultancy and management services for Research and Technological DevelopmentThis SHUTTLE Call for Tenders invites all interested parties to present their offers to develop a cost-effective, open machine integrating a rich toolkit for automated trace evidence analysis to provide scientific evidence in a high-throughput manner.

Press release from new SESAR project AUDIO

New SESAR project aims to make aircraft movement on the airport surface safer and more efficient

On time, resilient and seamless traffic in European airspace requires a modernized air transport system. In connection with the SESAR 2020 research project Integrated Airport Operations, the Airspace User Demonstration AUDIO (Airspace User supporting Demonstration of Integrated Airport Operations) has been launched. The demonstration project, funded by the European Union, aims to improve safety, efficiency and predictability of flights by increasing the flight crew’s situational awareness while the aircraft is taxiing.

iProcureNet Press Release 1/2019

Putting procurement experts at the heart of security innovation

Numerous innovative security solutions never make it to market. The EU funded iProcureNet project sets out to change this by mobilising a sometimes overlooked expert group.

SHUTTLE Call for Tender will be launched on 20th September 2019

The SHUTTLE PCP project will launch its call for tender to support the development of a Scientific High-throughput and Unified Toolkit for Trace analysis by forensic Laboratories in Europe on the 20th September 2019.

VICTORIA: Video Analysis for Investigation of Criminal and TerrORIst Activities

The VICTORIA Project Video Trailer is now available and can be found on the project website at https://www.victoria-project.eu/

Recommendations on future epilepsy research published by the epiXchange cluster

Around 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases. To decrease this figure and pave the way for future ground-breaking epilepsy research, seven large EU-funded projects joined forces in May 2018 in Brussels, Belgium, in a unique community-building event – the epiXchange conference.

Press release - SUN-to-LIQUID - Solar fuel breakthrough

Solar fuel breakthrough
SUN-to-LIQUID produces solar kerosene from sunlight, water and CO2

The transition from fossil to renewable fuels is one of the most important challenges of the future. The SUN-to-LIQUID project takes on this challenge by producing renewable transportation fuels from water and CO2 with concentrated sunlight: The project, which is funded by the EU and Switzerland, now succeeded to demonstrate the first synthesis of solar kerosene. “The SUN-to-LIQUID core solar technology and the integrated chemical plant were experimentally validated under real field conditions relevant to industrial implementation”, said Prof. Aldo Steinfeld of ETH Zurich, who leads the solar thermochemical reactor development. “This technological demonstration can have important implications for the transportation sectors, especially for the long-haul aviation and shipping sectors which are strongly dependent on drop-in hydrocarbon fuels”, announced project coordinator Dr Andreas Sizmann of Bauhaus Luftfahrt, “we are now a step closer to living on a renewable ‘energy income’ instead of burning our fossil ‘energy heritage’. This is a necessary step to protect our environment.”


European innovation and grants consultancies PNO Consultants and ARTTIC have joined forces. The two companies will enable each other to optimize their service delivery in both quality and quantity. Together, the combination consolidates a strong presence in Europe. 

Press release - ESCulab - Seeding tomorrow’s priority medicines

The European Lead Factory, Europe’s largest collaborative drug discovery platform, continues its success story

2 May 2019, Munich (Germany) The European Lead Factory (ELF) secured a total project budget of EUR 36.5 million under the second framework of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Over the next five years, 20 partners in 7 countries will push forward the transformation of potential drug targets to new medicines in the new project ESCulab (European Screening Centre: unique library for attractive biology) under the European Lead Factory brand.

Brexit and EU funding – What you should know

Brexit and EU funding – What you should know and how ARTTIC can support you.

Press release from the new H2020 health project SCREENED

The new European collaborative project SCREENED aims to develop three-dimensional (3D) cell-based in vitro tests to better characterize the effects of endocrine disruptors on thyroid gland function. This method will overcome the limitations of existing tests, being more sensitive at low doses of exposure to chemicals, and enabling the prediction of their toxicity on human health in a sex-specific manner.

Polish TV coverage of C-BORD project

As part of its field test campaign, C-BORD partners have deployed prototypes for enhanced X-ray imaging, passive radiation detection and evaporation based detection at Deepwater Container Terminal Gdańsk.

DRIVER+ Trial 1 to be broadcast on EURONEWS

The first of four Trials in the DRIVER+ project took place on the 23rd and 24th May in Warsaw. And Euronews was there to film it all.

C-BORD project press release

In May 2018, C-BORD starts field testing five new and enhanced non-intrusive inspection technologies at three representative European customs inspection sites.

NIPSE H2020 project referred to as a success story!

An article on the soon to be completed NIPSE project has been published by the European Commission, as part of their R&I projects success stories!

S3NET Summer School on 15-17th May in Milan

Interested in #space and #swarmsatellite? Save the date for the H2020 S3NET Summer school on 15-17th May at Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy).

H2020 NEXUS project press release

New European research project to tackle the challenges of offshore wind farm O&M through new Service Operation Vessel concept.

H2020 project NIPSE mentioned in EC/INEA aviation brochure

The H2020 project NIPSE - "Novel Integration of Powerplant System Equipment" (www.nipse.eu) was mentioned as an example in the recently released EC/INEA brochure on aviation research for Safe and green aviation in Europe.

Download the full brochure at https://ec.europa.eu/inea/sites/inea/files/aviation_brochure_2017_web_2.pdf

FP7 projects HAIC, SAFUEL, STORM in Cordis Results Pack

The recently completed EU-funded FP7 projects HAIC, SAFUEL and STORM are profiled in the Cordis Results Pack “Lifting off for safer aviation in Europe” which highlights projects contributing research and innovations for increasing aviation safety.  

FP7 project TOICA highlighted in the EC Cordis Result in Brief

EU funded FP7 project TOICA is highlighted in the European Commission's Cordis Result in Brief: “Innovating aircraft design for better heat-control”.

The WRIST project releases its third newsletter

The WRIST project has released its third newsletter with an overview of the project, a special focus on ‘WP2 – New aluminothermic welding process’ including an interview with Dr. Jan Hantusch, Head of Pre-Development at the GTG Technology Innovation Center.

The Actuation2015 project receives Airbus “Award for Excellence” 2016

Since the early beginning until its closure in summer 2016, from proposal preparation and negotiation to project management ARTTIC has provided daily support to the Actuation 2015 FP7 project, gathering 54 partners. Actuation 2015 has received an Airbus “Award for Excellence” 2016.

The NEURINOX Graphic Novel “Out of the blue” is now online

The NEURINOX Graphic Novel “Out of the blue” is now online at http://www.neurinox.eu/

WRIST project releases second newsletter

The WRIST project has released its second newsletter.

SECURE project wins Prize for best European Cooperation Project

SECURE, a research project in cardiovascular disease prevention funded by the EU H2020 programme, was awarded the Prize for Best European Cooperation Project from Fundación para el conocimiento Madrid.

Breaking news --- ARTTIC takes over GABO:mi

Paris, France / Munich, Germany – July 1, 2016

In pursuit of continuing high quality service delivery, ARTTIC has completed its take-over of GABO:mi.

DIADEMS Diamond and Spins School

From 26 April to 6 May 2016, the DIADEMS consortium organised a summer school in Cargèse, Corsica, dedicated to the emerging field of quantum sensing technologies. The event, which was hosted by the IESC (Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse), attracted a total of 60 students from all over the world.

LOCOMACHS Final Forum held on 16th June 2016 in Coventry (UK)

The LOCOMACHS project successfully held the Advanced Aerostructure Technology Forum 2016 on the 16th June 2016.


ACTUATION2015 European Public events successfully held in Toulouse

The FP7 project ACTUATION2015 successfully organised the A2015 European Public events (Public Forum and Exploitation workshop) on 15th and 16th  March 2016 in Toulouse.

EPICEA project successful kick off meeting, Montreal, Canada

The H2020 project EPICEA (Electromagnetic Platform for lightweight Integration/Installation of electrical systems in Composite Electrical Aircraft) held its kick off meeting on 1-3 February 2016 in Montreal, Canada.

ENOVAL Learning Modules now available!

The FP7 project ENOVAL (ENgine mOdule VALidators) has created Learning Modules. Ten modules about different topics are now available for download on the ENOVAL website. These modules have been thought as ready-to-teach material with the purpose of facilitating dissemination of technologies investigated within ENOVAL. They were realized jointly by industry and academic partners. The contributors made sure to provide enough background information as well as a list of recommended complementary readings.

WRIST project releases first newsletter

The WRIST project, a EU funded research and innovation project which is developing and will demonstrate flexible and cost effective joining processes for rail products, has released its first newsletter with an overview of the project and an invitation to join the exploitation board. The newsletter is available here (http://goo.gl/f6PHwQ) and it also includes instructions for subscribing to receive future updates.

SAFUEL Project Final Public Forum, 3rd February 2016, Bristol

The FP7 Project SAFUEL (The Safer Fuel System) succesfully organised its second public forum to share and discuss project results and achievements in the domain of innovative solutions for aircraft fuel systems.

ARTTIC joins EU-ToxRisk, a 30 Million € H2020 project

Coordinated by Bob van de Water, Professor of Toxicology at Leiden University (The Netherlands), EU-ToxRisk brings together an international consortium of 39 partner organisations composed of academia, SMEs, large industry, contract research organisations (CROs) and regulatory bodies. EU-ToxRisk (www.eu-toxrisk.eu) builds on testing strategies and knowledge developed in previous national and European projects, including the SEURAT-1 programme, a cluster of seven projects in the field of animal-free safety assessment: 2010-2015 (www.seurat-1.eu/). For more information, see the official Press release.

Save the date ! STORM 1st Public Workshop in November

The FP7 STORM project will organise its first public workshop to present and discuss challenges and innovative solutions in simulation and technologies for icing conditions.

H2020 project SECURE: website is now online

SECURE, a research project funded by the EU H2020 programme, now has a dedicated website: http://www.secure-h2020.eu.

TARGET, a new H2020 project has launched!

A new European Union research and innovation project, TARGET (Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit) was successfully launched in May 2015.

CEN Workshop 77 - Modules for Electro-Mechanical Actuators in Aircraft

ACTUATION 2015 has the objective to standardize a set of modules for Electro-Mechanical Actuators in Aircraft. The standardization process is now on its way through the creation of a CEN Workshop that held its kick-off meeting on January 28, 2015 in Brussels at the European Committee for Standardization  (CEN) premises. An initial Business Plan on “Modules for Electro-Mechanical Actuators in Aircraft has been issued as a starting point.

LASHARE offers opportunities for cooperation to SMEs & industrial companies

LASHARE is a EU co-funded research project with the goal of sharing laser expertise.

DRIVER project successfully launched

The European Union’s new demonstration project, DRIVER (Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience) was successfully launched in May 2014. This project, gathering the expertise of 37 organisations, will jointly develop solutions for improved crisis management. A distributed pan-European test-bed will be built for experimentation and testing and the most useful new tools will be collected in a comprehensive Crisis Management portfolio at the end of the project. Building upon the findings of previous research projects, DRIVER’s ultimate goal is to enhance European resilience in the face of crisis situations and ascertain sustainable innovation in Crisis Management also after the end of the project. ARTTIC is leading the Sub-project on Impact and Sustainability.

ARTTIC International Management Services to lead SAFEWATER

The SAFEWATER project - Innovative tools for the detection and mitigation of CBRN related contamination events of drinking water, has been selected by the European Commission to further research into solutions for preventing and managing CBRN threats to drinking water. 

Saab Aeronautics thanks ARTTIC for LOCOMACHS first period

From Maria Weiland, Director Business Development R&D at Saab Aeronautics, “ARTTIC is a core partner for the LOCOMACHS project coordinated by Saab Aeronautics. Thanks to the quality of ARTTIC services, methods and tools as well as the commitment of its skilled team, a strong cooperation has been established within the project. Since the development of the project proposal, ARTTIC accurate advice and support in the set-up of the project and the partnership have been valuable elements very well recognised and appreciated. This is ensuring a successful and smooth progression towards objectives with our 31 partners from 10 countries focused on the scientific and technical aspects of the work”

SOLAR-JET demonstrates entire production path of “solar” kerosene

European collaboration SOLAR-JET for the first time demonstrates the entire production path of “solar” kerosene obtained directly from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide (CO2).

EU technology programme ENOVAL launched

New technologies for next generation aero engines focus on lower CO2 and noise emissions

NextFactory project started on 1st September 2013

The FP7 project NextFactory started on 1st September 2013. The project is coordinated by Fraunhofer IPA with strong support by ARTTIC.

SAFEWATER project started 1st October 2013

The FP7 SECURITY project SAFEWATER started on 1st October 2013. SAFEWATER is coordinated by ARTTIC, in cooperation with White Water Technologies.

SEURAT-1 Annual Reports Volume 3 published

SEURAT-1 published the 3rd Volume of its Annual Reports which was presented during its stakeholder event on 5 September 2013 in Brussels.

First SEURAT-1 Stakeholder Event successful

On 5 September 2013 in a dedicated workshop in Brussels organised by the project COACH (a FP7 coordination and support action coordinated by ARTTIC), SEURAT-1 presented to stakeholders its latest scientific achievements.

New FCH JU project was launched - HYCARUS

The HYCARUS project, HYdrogen Cells for AiRborne USage, partly financed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking initiative, has officially started on 1st May, 2013.

SEURAT-1 & EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics

In respect with the deadline set by the Council and the Parliament in 2003, the European Commission (EC) adopted the marketing ban on animal testing for cosmetics, entering into force on 11 March, 2013. The ban prohibits "to market in the Union cosmetic products containing ingredients which have been tested on animals".

Presentation of the FIDELITY project at the Parliament

On 20 and 21 March 2013 the Committee in Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs organized a Hearing with the title “Schengen / Border Management, state of play and further developments.” The FP7 Security project 284862 FIDELITY was invited...

Launch of the QI2S project on January 1st 2013!

The QI2S (Quick Image Interpretation System) project is funded within the SPACE area of FP7, SPA.2012.2.2-01: Key technologies enabling observations in and from space.

ARTTIC successfully organised the KIAI & TECC-AE Workshop

More than 60 specialists representing five EU-funded projects of the aeronautic field have recently met during the KIAI & TECC-AE Public Workshop at the University of Florence.

SCINTILLA Public Website launched

Launched in January 2012, the SCINTILLA project gathers 9 partners and aims at building an innovative and comprehensive toolbox of devices and best-of-breed technologies for the enhanced detection and identification of difficult to detect radioactive sources and nuclear material.

The NEURINOX Public Website now online!

The NEURINOX project aims at elucidating the role of NADPH oxidases (NOX) in neuro-inflammation and its progression to neurodegenerative diseases (ND), as well as evaluating the potential of novel ND therapeutics.

ARTTIC successfully contributed to proposal development of the DZIF

The German Government recently awarded 74.4 M€ to establish the German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF). ARTTIC contributed extensively to the proposal development.

ARTTIC has recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary

From May 2nd until May 4th 2012, ARTTIC staff from Paris, Toulouse, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Munich, Derby and Brussels gathered in Sitges, Spain in order to celebrate 25 years of long-standing successful experience in research and technological development.