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Description : The first view of the ARTTIC company and the ARTTIC activities in research development and innovation projects as well as the news and contacts with ARTTIC offices in Paris, Toulouse, Derby, Munich, Berlin, Brussels and Tel Aviv
Keywords :(collaborative projects in research development and innovation, project setup, project proposal development, project management, national project, European project, EU project, international project, cooperation in research development and innovation, Support to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Successful project, support to industrials, support to academics, universities and research centers, successful cooperation, successful partnerships, public-private partnerships, EU funds, ARTTIC Paris, ARTTIC Toulouse, ARTTIC Munich, ARTTIC Berlin, ARTTIC Derby, ARTTIC Brussels, ARTTIC Tel Aviv, European project, national project)
Description : The ARTTIC Services page navigates the reader towards the concrete services provided by ARTTIC for projects, cooperation and collaboration in Research Development and Innovation
Keywords :(Services, Advising, Coaching, Project Proposal development, Project management, Dissemination of project results, Exploitation of project results, organisation of project events, Training in setting up or managing projects, cooperation and collaboration in Research Development and Innovation, European projects, National project, assistance, framework programme consulting, fp7 project management, r&d project management, European project management, H2020 project management, budget, planning, advice, guidance, coordination, european commission reporting, fp7 project reporting, ec call proposal, project management support, h2020 proposal, h2020 funding, h2020 call, h2020 rules, european funding research, european funding innovation, EC projects, setting up EC projects, EC consulting company, consortium development, fp7 project management, framework programme consulting, european project management, research project management, r&d project management, h2020 project management)
Description : An overview of research programmes funded by the European Union.
Keywords :(EU funding, EU research programmes, EU research projects, Horizon Europe, European Joint Partnerships, Innovation Fund, Connecting Europe Facilities, CEF, European Innovation Council, EIC, EIC Accelerator, EIC Open)
Description : ARTTIC offers tailor-made consultancy services to analyse, develop and implement your strategy for establishing a public-private partnership, your strategy for a setting up a collaborative project, you strategy to be funded by european programmes or national programmes for Research Development and Innovation
Keywords :(Strategy, Coaching, Consulting, Analysis, objectives, winning, targeted results, Recommendations, funding opportunities, Research Development and Innovation, Industry, Industrials, SME, Academics, University, Research Centres, European projects, National projects, public private partnerships, collaboration agreement, cooperation agreement)
Description : ARTTIC brings you its many years of experience and proven track record of successful european and national project proposals in Research Development and Innovation as well as the logistic capabilities needed to prepare project proposals of the highest
Description : ARTTIC ensure dissemination activities of project results to promote projects and achievements and supports further exploitation of project results to guarantee effective access and use of RDI results
Keywords :(dissemination, exploitation, results, Research and Technological development, Research Development and Innovation, Intellectual property rights, IPR, visibility, Public Relations, public websites, logos, flyers, posters, slides show presentation, seminar, workshop, conference, patent publications)
Description : An overview of the RDI projects set up and managed by ARTTIC in various sectors (Transport, Aeronautics, Surface Transport, Automotive, Science and society, High performance Computing, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Euratom, Health, Security, Industrial technologies, NMP, Food, Bioeconomy, blue growth) and programmes (Horizon2020, H2020, FP7, FP6, FP5, EUREKA, EUROSTAR, PREDIT, CLEANSKY, Programme Investissements d'Avenir , Grand Emprunt, PIA
Description : ARTTIC has got a very large project portfolio and expertise in national programmes, european programmes and international programmes supporting Research Development and Innovation, Horizon2020, H2020, FP7, FP6, FP5, EUREKA, PREDIT, CLEANSKY, Programme Investissements d'Avenir, Grand Emprunt, PIA, FCH JU
Description : ARTTIC has got expertise in national programmes, european programmes and international programmes in Research Development and Innovation (Horizon 2020, H2020, FP7, FP6, FP5, EUREKA, EUROSTAR, PREDIT, eTen, Clean Sky JTI, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen JTI, Programme Investissements d'Avenir, Grand Emprunt, PIA
Description : ARTTIC works for many years with clients from various sectors (Transport, ICT, Computing, Information Technology, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Health, Security, Industrial Technologies) and from various countries
Keywords :(Clients, Transport, ICT, Health, Blue Growth, Security, Bioeconomy Industrial Technologies, Countries, Academics, Universities, research centres, Research Development Innovation, RDI, R&D, RTD, AIRBUS (FR) - AVIO (IT) - Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. (DE) - DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) (DE) - EADS (FR, DE) - GOODRICH ACTUATION SYSTEMS (FR) - HISPANO SUIZA (FR) - IAI (ISRAEL AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES) (IL) - Labinal (FR) - MARIN (Stichting Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland) (NL) - MOTOROLA IL LTD (IL) - MTU Aero Engines (DE) - NEXANS (FR) - ONERA (FR) - RAFAEL (IL) - RENAULT (FR) - ROLLS-ROYCE (UK, DE) - ROLLS-ROYCE Marine AS (NO) - SAAB AKTIEBOLAG (SE) - SAFRAN Engineering & Information Services (FR) - SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE (FR) - SITA (CH) - SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fers) (FR) - SNECMA (FR) - TECHSPACE AERO (BE) - THALES ALENIA SPACE (ALCATEL ESPACE) (FR) - THALES AVIONICS (FR) - TURBOMECA (FR) - UIC (International Union of Railways) (FR) - VOLVO AERO CORPORATION (SE) - ZODIAC AEROSPACE (FR) - Alvarion Ltd. (IL) - CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) (FR) - CNOP (Comité National d'Optique et de Photonique) (FR) - College of West Anglia (UK) - Deutsche Thomson OHG (DE) - DIGIMIND (FR) - eDevice (FR) - EDF (Electricité de France) (FR) - EOLITE Systems (FR) - ESI Group (FR) - FIS GmbH (Informationssysteme und Consulting) (DE) - FRANCE TELECOM R&D (FR) - GEMALTO (FR) - GILAT SATELLITE NETWORKS LTD (IL) - GTN / Rand Marketing (FR) - Information & Technology Intelligence (FR) - INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique) (FR) - Intrasoft International S.A (LU) - IRISA (Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires) (FR) - Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (I) - JOUVE (FR) - KAIDARA (FR) - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) - Lingway (FR) - NEWEL Informatique (FR) - NICE SYSTEMS LTD (IL) - OBERTHUR CARD SYSTEM (FR) - OPTIBASE LTD. (IL) - Orckit Communications Ltd. (IL) - ORT (IL, FR) - RINICOM (UK) - SEOLIS (FR) - SIEMENS (DE) - ST Microelectronics Italy (IT) - THALES RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (FR) - Wavion (IL) - WISAIR LTD (IL) - XTENSIVE Technologies (FR) - BIOSYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL (FR) - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint Louis (FR) - Clinical Centre of the University of Cologne (DE) - CNIC (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares) (ES) - COMPUGEN LTD (IL) - Cork Cancer Research Centre (IE) - Cosmetics Europe - COLIPA (BE) - CTI (Cell Therapy Research Institute) (FR) - DA VOLTERRA (FR) - Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel (DE) - DZIF (Deutsches Zentrum für Infetionsforschung) (DE) - ECCO (European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation) (FR) - EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) (BE) - EIBIR GEMEINNüTZIGE GMBH (AU) - ENS CACHAN (FR) - European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation / University of Leipzig (DE) - Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (B) - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (CH) - Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Est (FR) - HELMHOLTZ ZENTRUM MUNCHEN (DE) - IFADO (Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors) (DE) - Institut Curie (FR) - INSTITUT DE DEVELOPPEMENT DES PRODUITS DE SANTE (FR) - Karolinska Institute (SE) - Leibniz-Institue of Age Research (DE) - Lonza Cologne GmbH (DE) - Mannheim University Medical Center (DE) - MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE (DE) - MBiotec GmbH (DE) - MEDIZINISCHE HOCHSCHULE HANNOVER (DE) - MEDSENIC SAS (FR) - PHARNEXT (FR) - Primm srl (IT) - Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (IL) - UNIVERSITE OF GENEVA (CH) - University Hospital of Zurich (CH) - University Medical Center Utrecht (NL) - UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE - UKK (DE) - University of Debrecen (HU) - UNIVERSITY OF TORINO (IT) - Athena (IL) - CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) (FR) - MORPHO (FR) - NESS TSG (IL) - Thales Security Solutions & Services (FR) - White Water security (IL) - BPE International GmbH (DE) - CNRS-LSCG (FR) - CORDOUAN TECHNOLOGIES (FR) - FECC (European Association of Chemical Distributors) (BE) - Forschungsinstitut für Optronik und Mustererkennung (DE) - IBA GmbH (DE) - INERIS (Institut National de l'EnviRonnement Industriel et des RisqueS) (FR) - Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (CZ) - OPTITEC (FR) - ROLLS-ROYCE Fuel Cells (UK) - SILICOM (FR) - Aarhus University (DK) - Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem (IL) - BTH (Blekinge Institute of technology) (SE) - CNAM (Conservatoire National des ARts et Métiers) (FR) - CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) (FR) - Cranfield University (UK) - Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (IT) - FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTES (ILT, IBM, IFAM, FME) (DE) - INPL (Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine) (FR) - INRA (INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE) (FR) - Instituto Superior Técnico (PT) - Lublin Technical University (PL) - THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (IL) - TUM (Technische Universität München) (DE) - Universität Tübingen (DE) - UNIVERSITY CLAUDE BERNARD LYON (FR) - University of Birmingham (UK) - University of Edinburgh (UK) - University of Kaiserslautern (DE) - University of Limerick (IE) - University of Manchester (UK) - University of Regensburg (DE) - AFNOR (FR) - Bretagne Innovation (FR) - Elbit Systems Electro-optics (ELOP) - INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) (FR) - OSEO (FR) -)
Description : ARTTIC provides a complete range of services and Tools to support projects, cooperation and collaboration in Research Development and Innovation, Research (RDI), Research and Technological Development (RTD), Research and Development (R&D)
Keywords :(ARTTIC Services, ARTTIC Tools, Strategy Consulting, Consulting, ARTTIC services for industrials, ARTTIC services for SME, ARTTIC services for academics, ARTTIC services for Public Private partnerships (PPP), ARTTIC services for research centers, project Proposal development, Project Proposal preparation, project proposal writing, project management, negotiation of cooperation agreements, Training Project management, dissemination of project results, exploitation of project results, strengthening the competitiveness, negotiation of contracts, negotiation of grant agreements)
Description : A closer look on the presentation of the ARTTIC company, its working standards and relationships between the company and the client: Industrials, SMEs, Academics, Universities, Research centres, public private partnerships.
Keywords :(Successful experience in collaborative projects in Research development and Innovation, flexibility, competitiveness, innovative solutions, high-performance business, high quality, commitment, team work, effort)
Description : Description of the activities managed by ARTTIC, company's expertise and scientific and technological field of expertise in projects, cooperation and collaboration in Research Development and Innovation.
Keywords :(Research Development Innovation, RDI, Research, Development, Innovation, Research and Technological development, RTD, Research and Development, R&D, Efficiency, public-private partnerships, Funding, funded projects, project results exploitation, project results dissemination, Industry, Industrials, SMEs, Universities, Academics, Research centers, Governmental organisations, Intellectual Property Rights, IPR, HORIZON2020, H2020, FP7, EUREKA, EURATOM, FUI, AMORCE, CIP, COSME, Aeronautics, Automotive, Biotechnologies, Energy, Environment, Health, Information and Communication Technologies, Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies, Security, Bioeconomy, blue growth, sustainable development, energy, alternative fuel, safety, space, satellite, earth observation, clean space, clean sky, marine, european commission reporting, fp7 project reporting, ec call proposal, project management support, h2020 proposal, h2020 funding, h2020 call, h2020 rules, european funding research, european funding innovation, EC projects, setting up EC projects, EC consulting company, consortium development, fp7 project management, framework programme consulting, european project management, research project management, r&d project management, h2020 project management
Description : ARTTIC news on European projects and national projects in Research Development and Innovation, news from the European Commission ,European programmes, national programmes, H2020 and news from ARTTIC
Keywords :(European projects, European Commission, European funding Programmes, National funding programmes, RDI, RTD, R&D, ARTTIC, Horizon 2020, H2020, FP7, calls for project proposals, Berlin, Toulouse, Paris, Tel Aviv, Munich, Derby, Brussels, AIRBUS (FR) - AVIO (IT) - Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. (DE) - DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) (DE) - EADS (FR, DE) - GOODRICH ACTUATION SYSTEMS (FR) - HISPANO SUIZA (FR) - IAI (ISRAEL AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES) (IL) - Labinal (FR) - MARIN (Stichting Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland) (NL) - MOTOROLA IL LTD (IL) - MTU Aero Engines (DE) - NEXANS (FR) - ONERA (FR) - RAFAEL (IL) - RENAULT (FR) - ROLLS-ROYCE (UK, DE) - ROLLS-ROYCE Marine AS (NO) - SAAB AKTIEBOLAG (SE) - SAFRAN Engineering & Information Services (FR) - SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE (FR) - SITA (CH) - SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fers) (FR) - SNECMA (FR) - TECHSPACE AERO (BE) - THALES ALENIA SPACE (ALCATEL ESPACE) (FR) - THALES AVIONICS (FR) - TURBOMECA (FR) - UIC (International Union of Railways) (FR) - VOLVO AERO CORPORATION (SE) - ZODIAC AEROSPACE (FR) - Alvarion Ltd. (IL) - CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) (FR) - CNOP (Comité National d'Optique et de Photonique) (FR) - College of West Anglia (UK) - Deutsche Thomson OHG (DE) - DIGIMIND (FR) - eDevice (FR) - EDF (Electricité de France) (FR) - EOLITE Systems (FR) - ESI Group (FR) - FIS GmbH (Informationssysteme und Consulting) (DE) - FRANCE TELECOM R&D (FR) - GEMALTO (FR) - GILAT SATELLITE NETWORKS LTD (IL) - GTN / Rand Marketing (FR) - Information & Technology Intelligence (FR) - INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique) (FR) - Intrasoft International S.A (LU) - IRISA (Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires) (FR) - Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (I) - JOUVE (FR) - KAIDARA (FR) - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) - Lingway (FR) - NEWEL Informatique (FR) - NICE SYSTEMS LTD (IL) - OBERTHUR CARD SYSTEM (FR) - OPTIBASE LTD. (IL) - Orckit Communications Ltd. (IL) - ORT (IL, FR) - RINICOM (UK) - SEOLIS (FR) - SIEMENS (DE) - ST Microelectronics Italy (IT) - THALES RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (FR) - Wavion (IL) - WISAIR LTD (IL) - XTENSIVE Technologies (FR) - BIOSYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL (FR) - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint Louis (FR) - Clinical Centre of the University of Cologne (DE) - CNIC (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares) (ES) - COMPUGEN LTD (IL) - Cork Cancer Research Centre (IE) - Cosmetics Europe - COLIPA (BE) - CTI (Cell Therapy Research Institute) (FR) - DA VOLTERRA (FR) - Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel (DE) - DZIF (Deutsches Zentrum für Infetionsforschung) (DE) - ECCO (European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation) (FR) - EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) (BE) - EIBIR GEMEINNüTZIGE GMBH (AU) - ENS CACHAN (FR) - European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation / University of Leipzig (DE) - Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (B) - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (CH) - Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Est (FR) - HELMHOLTZ ZENTRUM MUNCHEN (DE) - IFADO (Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors) (DE) - Institut Curie (FR) - INSTITUT DE DEVELOPPEMENT DES PRODUITS DE SANTE (FR) - Karolinska Institute (SE) - Leibniz-Institue of Age Research (DE) - Lonza Cologne GmbH (DE) - Mannheim University Medical Center (DE) - MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE (DE) - MBiotec GmbH (DE) - MEDIZINISCHE HOCHSCHULE HANNOVER (DE) - MEDSENIC SAS (FR) - PHARNEXT (FR) - Primm srl (IT) - Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (IL) - UNIVERSITE OF GENEVA (CH) - University Hospital of Zurich (CH) - University Medical Center Utrecht (NL) - UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE - UKK (DE) - University of Debrecen (HU) - UNIVERSITY OF TORINO (IT) - Athena (IL) - CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) (FR) - MORPHO (FR) - NESS TSG (IL) - Thales Security Solutions & Services (FR) - White Water security (IL) - BPE International GmbH (DE) - CNRS-LSCG (FR) - CORDOUAN TECHNOLOGIES (FR) - FECC (European Association of Chemical Distributors) (BE) - Forschungsinstitut für Optronik und Mustererkennung (DE) - IBA GmbH (DE) - INERIS (Institut National de l'EnviRonnement Industriel et des RisqueS) (FR) - Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (CZ) - OPTITEC (FR) - ROLLS-ROYCE Fuel Cells (UK) - SILICOM (FR) - Aarhus University (DK) - Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem (IL) - BTH (Blekinge Institute of technology) (SE) - CNAM (Conservatoire National des ARts et Métiers) (FR) - CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) (FR) - Cranfield University (UK) - Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (IT) - FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTES (ILT, IBM, IFAM, FME) (DE) - INPL (Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine) (FR) - INRA (INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE) (FR) - Instituto Superior Técnico (PT) - Lublin Technical University (PL) - THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (IL) - TUM (Technische Universität München) (DE) - Universität Tübingen (DE) - UNIVERSITY CLAUDE BERNARD LYON (FR) - University of Birmingham (UK) - University of Edinburgh (UK) - University of Kaiserslautern (DE) - University of Limerick (IE) - University of Manchester (UK) - University of Regensburg (DE) - AFNOR (FR) - Bretagne Innovation (FR) - Elbit Systems Electro-optics (ELOP) - INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) (FR) - OSEO (FR), Actuation 2015, AME, Cockpit, Composite, CRESCENDO, DREAM, ELUBSYS, ERICKA, FACTOR, FIRST, GENOME, KIAI, LEMCOTEC, MAAXIMUS, MOET, NACRE, NEWAC, OPENAIR, PLASMAERO, PROPULSION, SAGE 2, SAGE IDT, SCARLETT, SFWA-IDT, SOLAR-JET, TAUPE, TECC-AE, TIMECOP, VITAL, VIVACE, EUROPAC, GRIP, INNOTRACK, MAINLINE, Plathée, REACT, ROADSENSE, STREAMLINE, TR@IN-MD, HOPES, EESI, EMCP2, HPCN-TTN, JACO3, WMA, FM-Ultranet, FUSIMO, HAMAM, SIMAP, AIT-WOODDES, ATLANTIC, BPS, Bungee, CERTAINTY, Com2React, DEUCALION, DEW, DUNES, ELU, eMage, ePatent, ePerSpace, EUCLID, Feel@Home, FELLOWS, FIDELITY (EUREKA), Grid4All, HIPSCAN, I-Proved, iClass, INSPIRED, IVP, LAUREL, LCCN, LIRICS, MIAMM, MISSY, MORPHEUS, MULTIKARA, MUSI, NIMED, OPTIBAND, PING, PROXiTV, RESET, RIMSAT, SATIN, SMARTCORD, SYMBAD, Telenet, Time2Learn, TIRAMISU, TURBINE, Ultrawaves, ANGIONET, ANTIFLU, COACH, COBRED, COLTHERES, CONTICANET, CRYSTAL, DETECTIVE, ENCITE, ESNATS, FOCUS, FUNGENES, HYPERLAB, INCA, INNOMED, METAFIGHT, NanoTryp, NEURINOX, R-GNOSIS, RIGHT, SATURN, TargetHerpes, TB VAC, CATO, IDetect4All, INFRA, S-TRAVEL, SCINTILLA, SNIFFER, ARTIVASC-3D, IMPULSE, IntegRisk, POLYBRIGHT, ENGINEER, CO-EXTRA, MADEIRA, DIADEMS, ASHLEY, LASHARE, NextFactory, QI2S, SAFEWATER, HAIC, LOCHOMACHS, HYCARUS)
Description : ARTTIC has a true international presence with offices in several cities (Paris, Toulouse, Brussels, Derby, Munich, Berlin, Tel Aviv)
Keywords :(International, Paris, Toulouse, Brussels, Derby, Munich, Berlin, Tel Aviv, EU, European member states, European countries, European cities